Our theory that we chose to use for our film was, Freud's theory. He proposed the ID, ego and superego. This is a theory which is stated to be apparent in the brain. Our second theorist which we wanted to incorporate was Lacan, he created the mirror stage, and within that came the theory of desire. This is where people become obsessed with a certain thing and are never satisfied until they get more. We chose to use these two theory's as our alcohol related narrative linked with them best.
Our narrative involves the issue of alcohol and how it takes over one girls life. She's battling with herself to try and overcome her addiction. This is where the ID, ego and superego take their place within the narrative as she's seen trying to fight her alcohol dependency. Due to the constant desire to want more alcohol this is where Lacan's theory is evident because we want to show how she's never satisfied and always wants more.
We want to shoot in real life locations to show a true perspective on the story line, which is why we want to shoot some scenes in a car. In contrast to this at the end of our film we want to conclude it by the protagonist walking into a rehabilitation centre.

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